Since the government of Schleswig-Holstein agreed on a number of measures easing the impact of the regulations related to reducing the spread of the new coronavirus, teaching can slowly return to our campus – with consideration of the hygiene and distance rules in place, of course. We ask all students who are particularly at risk in these times to indicate this to us.
If you know or have reason to believe that you are particulary at risk of a Covid-19 infection, please use the following form to make us aware of this fact. We want to give you the opportunity to make an appointment and discuss possible measures with us to find out whether and how we can adjust your conditions of study to allow you to continue your studies safely and successfully. Even if you are at particular risk of a Covid-19 infection but do not feel that you have a special need for support, please let us know.
All you have to do is download this form, fill it in and e-mail it to Student Administration.