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Medical insurance cover for students

As a student at FUAS you must have medical insurance. To enrol you as a student at the beginning of your studies and to renew your student status after you re-register, we need information on your medical insurance.

Your health insurance provider passes on the information that you are ensured with them to us electronically since 1 December 2021. We can no longer accept printed out certificates. So, please ask your health insurance provider to pass on the relevant details to us. They cannot share this information with us without your permission.

From when on do I have to be insured?

You must be insured from the first day of the semester or no later than the day of your enrolment as a student with us.

  • If you want to study with us in the summer semester, you must be insured from 1 March onwards.
  • If you want to study with us in the winter semester, you must be insured from 1 September onwards.

Statutory health insurance providers

If you are insured with a statutory health insurance provider, please contact this health insurance provider in time for your enrolment and ask for your information to be passed on to FUAS.

If you should change health insurance providers in the course of your studies, your new provider must let us know of this. In this case, please ask your new health insurance provider to pass the relevant information on to us.
The code your insurance provider needs to pass information on to FUAS is H0000024.

Private health insurance providers

If you have medical cover with a private health insurance provider, FUAS needs confirmation that you are exempt from the obligation of insuring yourself with a statutory health insurance scheme. Please contact a statutory health insurance provider, so that they can send us this confirmation.
The code the insurance provider needs to pass information on to FUAS is H0000024.

This confirmation will then be valid for the entire period that you are a student with us. Usually, it is not possible to switch to a statutory health insurance provider while you are a student.

You can find a list of statutory health insurance providers on this website.

Insurance providers from other EU or EEA countries

If you are a student with us and your main place of residence is in another country within the European Union or the European Economic Area, you must have medical insurance cover in that country.

To enrol you as student, FUAS needs confirmation that you are exempt from the obligation of insuring yourself with a statutory health insurance scheme. Please contact a statutory health insurance provider, so that they can send us this confirmation.
The code the insurance provider needs to pass information on to FUAS is H0000024.

You can find a list of statutory health insurance providers in Germany on this website.

Insurance providers from other countries

If you are a student with us and you are from a country that is not part of the European Union or the European Economic Area, you must have medical insurance cover on the day you enter Germany.

To enrol you as a student at FUAS, we need confirmation of your insurance status. Please contact your health insurance provider and ask them to pass this information on to FUAS.
Please contact a statutory health insurance provider, so that they can send us this confirmation in time before your enrolment as a student with us.
The code the insurance provider needs to pass information on to FUAS is H0000024.

You can find a list of statutory health insurance providers in Germany on this website.